Fetco GRS 1202 Dual Hopper Coffee Grinder
Introducing the FETCO GRS 1202, your ultimate solution for high-volume coffee grinding needs. This commercial-grade coffee grinder is designed to deliver consistent and precise results, making it ideal for coffee shops, restaurants, and other high-demand environments.
Key Features:
Large Capacity Removable Hoppers: With two 5lb removable hoppers, the FETCO GRS 1202 is built to handle high volumes, ensuring you're always ready for the busiest of days.
Programmable Batches: Customize your coffee grinding experience with the ability to program up to three different batch sizes per side.
Powerful Motor: The .5 horsepower burr motor ensures a fast, consistent grind every time.
NSF Approved & CE Certified
Intuitive Digital Display: The front panel's digital character display makes programming and operation simple and straightforward.
Versatile Brew Basket Platform: The grinder platform accommodates all PLUS, NG, and handle-operated series brew baskets.
Universal Plus Series Control Panel: The control panel is both programmable and serviceable from the front, allowing for easy access during maintenance.
Easy Burr Servicing: With a large front panel opening, burr servicing and maintenance are a breeze.