Eureka Atom 65 Espresso Grinder
The Eureka Atom 65 strikes a beautiful balance between commercial-built power and home-focused convenience. With design cues from both the original Atom and commercial Zenith grinders, the Atom 65 truly gives you the best of both worlds. Eureka's espresso-built 65mm burrs power through double shots in record time (18 grams in ~5.5 seconds) and dose in an impressive stream (thanks to Eureka's refined ACE system) that's free of clumps and excess static. Normally, a grinder this production-focused comes at the cost of a large footprint—both physically and sonically. Instead, your morning will stay blissfully silent thanks to the Atom's sound-insulated case, while its relatively small 6x9 dimensions will let you tuck it almost anywhere.